Membership fee Policy

The contributions and special contributions to be paid shall be determined as follows:

The contribution policy will apply as part of the conclusion of memberships on the Kemitnetwork platform from 1 January 2022.

As a member of Kemitnetwork you pay a one-time admission fee of 29,00EUR and an annual membership fee. Your annual fee depends on your age of entry and is valid for the entire duration of your membership. The younger you are, the less you pay. The annual fee is staggered as follows:

Entry age rangeAge ofAge atContribution
1.0179 EUR
2.183029 EUR
3.315039 EUR
4.517049 EUR

Upon reaching 18 years, your contribution changes to 29,00EUR and then remains constant over the entire period of your membership.

Upon reaching 71 years, your contribution changes to 69,00EUR. If at this time of entry is less than 10 years ago.

After the worst situation of the fund, a collection campaign can be started per case that has occurred. All members are obliged to participate, at least in the amount of the specified call amount. The amount of the participation depends on the number of members and the amount of the already accumulated fund. The collection actions, which have been called out on a case-by-case basis, serve as an expression of solidarity for a long-term consolidation of the Fund. This ensures a lasting ability of the platform to act in all views. 

Currently, only payments with PayPal, bank transfers and standing orders are accepted. Exceptionally, another payment method may be approved at the request of a member or sponsor.

The admission fees, membership fees and special participations received by Kemitnetwork cannot be refunded.

View membership fee policy in PDF version!

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